Schedule a 30 min Strategy Session
As an ICF Professional Certified Coach with a background in Ontology (the nature of being), the foundation of my work and experience heavily focuses on active listening, deep questioning, and mindfulness awareness, and cultivating powerful insights. Partnering with me as your coach, we will dive into this delicious, deep inner work together. I’ll listen with compassion to what you’re saying, and listen with curiosity to what you’re not saying. Our sessions will be a safe, judgment free space for self exploration, leading to the clarity and confidence you need to create an exciting and fulfilling future. I help you navigate unhelpful patterns, habits, and roadblocks, then support you to find unique solutions to specific problems. Areas of particular focus include: stress management, anxiety & overwhelm, understanding and managing emotions, self love and confidence building, communication & relationships, vision & goal setting, imposter syndrome, and burnout prevention. We will use this time to see if we are a fit and create a plan to move forward. I look forward to our work together!